Case Studies on Contemporary Practices in Management & HR

Chapter #1                                                                          

You are a True Leader: George Inspiring Employees in Canada

Soleman Mozammel

Introduction: Leadership in simple refers to an ability to guide, lead and inspire individuals, teams or entire organizations. This ability to guide, lead and inspire is generally to help establish right approaches, behaviours and practices to achieve specific objectives. (Yammarino, 2013).
A leader is the one who selects, equip, train, and influence one or more followers who have diverse gifts, abilities and skills. Leaders focus the follower(s) on the organization's mission and objectives, causing the follower(s) to willingly and enthusiastically expend spiritual, emotional and physical energy in a concerted, coordinated effort to carry out the organization's mission and achieve its objectives (Wolverton, Gmelch, & Sorenson, 1998).
Leadership is one of the most discussed topics in both academics as well as in practice. Individuals serving as leaders have a greater responsibility to direct individuals and teams by using their skills and experience to help achieve the required outcomes. Today, leadership is an element which has a significant impact on the efficiency of organizations, employees, and managers (Wang, Law, Hackett, Wang, & Chen, 2005).

Keywords: Leadership.

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